Unveiling of a Memorial Plaque
The 17th Pals’ Battalion Band were approached by The Western Front Association for buglers to play during the unveiling of a memorial plaque in Walthamstow, to commemorate the deaths of three Fireguards during bombing in WW2.
During WW2 the Government passed an act stating that due to the “Blitz”, all areas of London should form Fire protection parties. These were known as Fire Street parties, Fire Watches and Fire Guards.
On the 19th of April 1941 William Howard of 9 Carnanton Road E17, along with his colleagues, handed over their shift to Sidney John Lee age 50 of 31 Beacontree Avenue, Edward Manning age 57 of 32 Beacontree Avenue and William Arthur Shadbolt age 34 of 30 Beacontree Avenue. At 10.45pm a German parachute mine exploded killing all three men and Injuring 22 others.
ITV London NewsThe ceremony was attended by local MP Ian Duncan Smith, local councillors, Firemen, Members of the Royal British Legion, local residents and children from nearby schools. WW2 firefighting and bomb disposal equipment and vehicles were on show including a WW2 Turntable ladder.
The buglers played Fire Call, Last Post and Reveille and were accompanied by a three man colour party from the band.
The unveiling event was filmed and appeared on both BBC and ITV London news programmes.